Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Unemployment, Day WFT?
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Unemployment, Day 72
Monday, June 15, 2009
Unemployment, Day 71
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Rachael Ray of Sunshine
Friday, June 12, 2009
Unemployment, Day 70
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Unemployment, Day 69
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Unemployment, Day 68
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Unemployment, Day 67
Monday, June 08, 2009
Unemployment, Day 66
Friday, June 05, 2009
Unemployment, Day 61 - 65
Friday, May 29, 2009
Unemployment, Day 60
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Unemployment, Day 59
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Unemployment, Day 58
Crazy Lawn-mower Man
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Unemployment, Day 56-58
Friday, May 22, 2009
Unemployment, Day 55
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Unemployment, Day 54
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Unemployment, Day 53
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Unemployment, Day 52
Monday, May 18, 2009
Unemployment, Day 51
Friday, May 15, 2009
Unemployment, Day 50
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Unemployment, Day 49 - I drink your milkshake!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Unemployment, Day 48
I'm the only guy in the future who can't be cured of balding?
You are Jean-Luc Picard
| A lover of Shakespeare and other fine literature. You have a decisive mind and a firm hand in dealing with others. ![]() |
Click here to take the Star Trek Personality Test
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Unemployment, Day 47
Ran a few other errands and then came home and vegetated for a bit.
Hooked my bluray player up to the 'internet'. I'm not officially a member of Netflix. I can stream items, tv shows as well as movies, directly to my player. Lots of items have to still be 'ordered' in the mail, but a few I can have instantly on the tv. That is pretty cool. I am looking forward to catching up on a few TV episodes.
Any movie suggestions that anyone may have would prove helpful. I only have 10 movies on my list right now. I need to build that up somewhat. (But not too much.)
Monday, May 11, 2009
Unemployment, Day 46
I made tacos for dinner, nothing special, but actually quite tasty. (And I hate that ()#*#)* word.
Travis and I then went to see the new Star Trek movie. Don't worry, I won't give away any spoilers, but I was not as happy with the movie as Travis was.
Travis said that he really got into the movie and that he really liked it.
I was a bit more critical of the movie. I am displeased with one of the major plot devices that they used. I understand why the writers did it, but it just seemed like a lazy way to write a plot and assure the future of the 'rebooted' franchise.
I guess that I should be happy that there will be more movies. It is obvious that there will be at least another one.
Got home late, after midnight. Haven't done that in quite a while either.
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Frost / Nixon
They have these new garlic parmesan fries. Travis thought they were greasy, but I thought that they were pretty good.
Afterwards, we hung around the house for a bit until we had to run downtown for our play.
Frost / Nixon was playing at Portland Center Stage.
I'm glad that we went to see the play, we had really good seats, and it was fun to watch. Being a big fan of that area of history, especially Watergate, it was fun to get some of the funny inside jokes and humor that was interjected. Travis felt a bit self conscious that he was the youngest person there, but I think it was still a good time by all.
Friday, May 08, 2009
Unemployment, Day 45
If you look at T3 purely as a standalone movie, it was great, if you look at it in context of the series, not so good.
Otherwise, a pretty lazy day. I'm so boring. :)
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Unemployment, Day 44
Pretty boring day otherwise.
Terminator was pretty dated, but not horrible. I'm trying to get Travis up to speed for Terminator Salvation. (Which I don't hold much hope for, it will probably be horrible too...)
Terminator 2 was pretty good on blu ray.
We finished up West Wing, so now we'll have a few series to choose from. :) Now we just have to pick which too.
So far, unless we can find a firmware update for the blu ray player, Season 2 of Dexter might have to wait.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Unemployment, Day 43
Beau wanted out at 7 AM, so that is where I got up, and slowly woke up. Felt groggy most of the morning.
Worked on cleaning up a few boxes around the house, what with the new blu ray and surround sound. Still trying to work out the bugs on the surround sound system, and it is definitely going to prove to be a bit of a learning curve. I think I'll get it eventually. I was hoping to only need one remote for all. And while I can use one remote for *most* of the items, since the cable box has no reality to the rest of the equipment, I may have to just guy a good universal one.
Dinner was a disappointment. I made chicken cordon bleu (from the freezer, not from scratch). The chicken was gristly.... ick. Then the mashed potato dish I made was off. Maybe I got out of the habit of cooking? I just feel really uninspired too. Ick.
The light bulb in the dryer burned out, so I will need to replace that. You don't realize what a big difference a damned light makes in such a thing. Wow. It is freakish to look into that giant stainless steel drum when its pitch black in the depths.
I'm digging the HDTV. I'm watching all of the 'free' complimentary HD On Demand items.
I'm watching Matchbox20, and one of them is using an AutoHarp. I love that. I can play an AutoHarp. That is too cool for school.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Unemployment, Day 42
Travis picked me up at the airport and we headed to breakfast at Shari's. (It is a fair bit like Denny's, but a bit nicer in my opinion.)
Beau was thrilled to see me, making squeals and yips and barks. Luckily he didn't pee on the floor.
Travis and I spent a great deal of the day catching up, setting up the surround sound and blu-ray system in the living room. That was a fair bit of frustration. We had to get more HDMI cables, which seem to be outrageously expensive. I'm still not entirely sure how to set up the damned system. Pretty frustrating.
Travis and I ended up going to Hawthorne Fish House for dinner. He had an excellent fish sandwich, and we shared some fish tacos with some pretty excellent chipotle may. I ordered fish and chips, however my fish was undercooked, and not crispy at all. Not as good as usual. I guess maybe next time will be better.
Going to bed early. Very tired, up way too long.
Monday, May 04, 2009
Air Puerto
I'm sitting in about the middle of the plane, so I'll have to wait a bit before I even get on at all.
Life goes on.
I feel a large volume of bacardi will be needed to survive the plane ride. Hopefully at least I will sleep.
It has been a fun few weeks in Anchorage. It was pretty awesome to connect and hang out with relatives.
I felt like I ate my way across the state. What can you do?
I'll be coming back to Anchorage in June for 3 weeks. I'll be helping to plan things for my Dads birthday and other fun events.
Now, I think I'll pull up the Sudoku on the free wi-fi provided form the Ted Stevens International Airport.
Unemployment, Day 41 (Media Headlines Edition)
I will now quote CNN.Com:
Swine flu no worse than regular flu, Napolitano says
I'll repeat it again :
Swine flu no worse than regular flu, Napolitano says
I hate the over reactionary news-media. Gone is journalism and reporting, now it is sensationalizing and ratings garnering.
The Swine Flu might kill, but only in as much as the REGULAR flu might kill.
Now, it might turn out that we do have some pandemic at some point, maybe even next week from H1N1, in the mean time I am happy to see that the world panicked and over reacted. Ever hear about the story of the boy who cried 'Wolf!'?
I hope that in the future a new strain of extra-terrestrial death flu falls to Earth and has a penchant for only those in the major news media who would rather hype and sell advertising rather than investigate and report responsibly.
In other news (HAH!), Mom and I met Eric and Gramma Nori for lunch. Had an 8 oz burger (Watch Out! MAD COW!!!) on ciabatta bread, tater tots on the side (Wacth Out! STARCH KILLS!). Very filling. I'd give it 7.5 out of 10. It was above average, but not the best I've had. The rest of the early afternoon was spent talking with Gramma and hanging out. Then Mom and I headed to visit Aunt Reva one final time before I leave town. I cut her a piece of the Lemon Meringue pie that I made yesterday. (Watch Out! SALMONELLA!) Hopefully she enjoys it.
Only thing left for today, really, is to finish up folding my laundry and pack up my suitcase. Heading to the airport around 11 PM. (Watch Out! CRASHING INTO THE GROUND FROM 35,000 FEET IS FATAL!) I should be back in Portland around 5:30 AM tomorrow morning. The flight leaves Anchorage at 1:00 AM. I probably won't get any sleep in the plane, so I'll be a zombie tomorrow. (Watch Out! ZOMBIES EAT BRAINS AND PAL AROUND WITH THE UNDEAD!)
PS. WTF? My mother applied duct tape to her hands in order to go rake leaves out in the back yard as an attempt to avoid blisters. (Watch Out! BLISTERS CAN FILL WITH PUS AND GANGRENE AND SORROW AND MAKE YOU CRY!)
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Week Ending
Saturday Mom and I finished up running around doing our shopping for Sunday Family Dinner after Mom and Dad and I all went to Costco. Dad bought a new paint sprayer. Came back home, unloaded all the goodies, then ran off to Home Depot to buy paving stones for the cabin, and get some lime and fertilizer for the home lawn.
Dinner Saturday at Simon and Seafort's. So gooooood. I ate way too much food. It was sooooooo good. :)
I had a good Caesar Salad and some Peppercorn Steak Medallions. Burnt Cream for dessert. I'm going to have to use a shoe-horn to fit into my airplane seat.
Sunday Family dinner was good, I cooked way too much food however. Lasagna, home made Caesar salad, and home made lemon mergingue pie. I've been doing a lot of cooking.
I'm sorry that Jennifer couldn't be with us for family dinner, I hope that she is having fun in Japan! I was able to look at her online photo album. Looks like she's getting to do some sight-seeing while she is away working.
Friday, May 01, 2009
Unemployment, Day 40
Mom and I picked up Gramma Nori and then Aunt Reva, and headed over to the eye doctor. Aunt Reva's eye has been bothering her, apparently she has an infection. They gave her a new prescription for eye drops, and wrote orders to stop the once she was currently using. Hopefully they will be better by next week. If not it'll require some tougher options.
We all then went to lunch. I had possible the best roast beef sandwich in my entire life. I will describe it, and it sounds odd, and like it wouldn't be any good. It was fantastic though.
Thick sliced wheat bread spread with stone ground mustard and mayo, slice of tomato, slice of cheddar cheese, roast beef, sliced dill pickles.
WFT? Sliced dill pickles on a roast beef sandwich. Are you insane?
Maybe. Was it the most best thing I've put in my mouth recently. (At least sandwich wise?) Yeah. :)
Dill and beef go together very well. I put dill in my stroganoff meatballs.
The sliced dill pickles gave the sandwich a nice crisp crunch, and a nice dill flavor. Plus the salty garlic brine in the pickle really goes with the beef.
Dropped everyone off, headed out to run a few more errands with Mom, picked up pizza, came home and chowed down.
Back to Portland in a few more days.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Unemployment, Day 39
I made a huge batch of my famous chocolate chip cookies today. (9 dozen of them). After cleaning all that up I decided to do some reading for a bit before heading back to pick Mom up.
We took some cookies to Aunt Reva, and informed her that we will be taking her to the eye doctor tomorrow morning.
Hopefully she likes the cookies. I told her she should have the cookies instead of dinner, it'll keep her young.
Pizza for dinner, while we watched baskteball on tv. (Chicago vs Boston has now gone to game 7, which means we'll be watching the game Saturday..... )
Dad and I shot some pool after dinner. I'm trying to shake off the cobwebs, as my younger brother Drew is coming by after work Friday to play pool with Dad and I. We'll see how I do.
So weird that I head back to Portland in a few days. Where did all the time go?
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Unemployment, Day 38
Came home, roasted a pound of garlic cloves, made two 13 x 9 inch pans of lasagna, home made meat sauce, after grating a block of romano, and a double block of parmesan. Lasagna is now in the freezer for Sunday dinner.
It was 67 degrees today. That is crazy!
Anchorage is having a nicer spring this year than their entire summer was last year.
Played a few games of 8 ball with dad after dinner.
Ice cream.
Ice cream.
Me want ice cream now.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Unemployment, Day 37
Travis and I (and Derek too) talked over skype.
Went shopping with Mom after work, bought supplies and groceries to make Sunday family dinner.
(My lasagna, caesar salads, garlic bread)
Watching tv with Mom for the rest of the evening.
I'm not keen on the overly dramatized 'reality' shows.
Read through the documents provided from Gramma Nori's condo association. Nothing new there, but it is now written down. It will be interesting to see the resolution. I feel bad for the poor people in the North building that haven't had homes in 2 years.
Found German Chocolate Cake ice cream. Wow. That was the last thing I needed to discover.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Unemployment, Day 36
It didn't agree with me, and I felt pretty green an hour after lunch.
Did some shopping, nothing important really, then went back to Grandma's condo to hang out.
Then we had another visit with Aunt Reva, and then grocery shopping.
Back home for a quiet afternoon unwinding.
Watched some tv with mom, didn't really feel like dinner since lunch didn't seem to like me.
One week left until I head back to Portland.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Turnagain, again, again, again.
Driving back through the Turnagain Pass, it makes me remember being out there and snowmachining, and worrying about the idiots that like to 'high-mark'. Great way to start and avalanche, and kill themselves. (Or more likely they'll kill someone else.)
I have cell service almost all the way around the arm, so that is somewhat reassuring.
Home again. At least my home away from home, when my home isn't the cabin in the woods.
Laundry and Midori.
I'm unwinding.
Looking forward to my final week in Anchorage before I return to Portland.
Job hunting in Anchorage hasn't really been any easier than in Portland, which was somewhat surprising.
It is still 50 degrees outside, and while the sun is slowly going down, it is still light outdoors.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Food Coma...
Mom decided to make blueberry pancakes and sausage for breakfast. After breakfast I helped Dad finish assembling the new cabinets for the cabin, and then we hung them. The problem with hanging new cabinets is that the logs (and therefore the 'wall') that comprise the cabin are not flat. So, trying to true up and square the cabinets against the logs, and then get them to be level on multiple axis was fairly challenging. Once that was trued up, then came the task of getting the cabinet doors to adjust so they open and close without banging in to one another. That took up almost all of the afternoon.
Went into Hope for dinner. Had a pasta caprese salad. Tons of roasted garlic cloves. So good. I'm still tasting garlic.
Dessert was walnut pie. Like pecan pie, but 1000 times better, at least in my opinion. Mom bought the whole pie, and we took it home with us. I don't hold much hope for the survival of the pie. It will be gone soon, this is my solemn pledge!
Walking up the cabin driveway after eating a bunch of food..... that is an entirely different feeling. I'm glad that I didn't hurl. I am getting better at coming up the driveway though. Just about the time I'll be okay with dragging my fat ass up the grade, the snow and ice and mud will be gone, and we'll be able to drive up it.
Coming up, watching Cops, and tequilla shots.
Tomorrow we head back to the big bad city.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Unemployment, Day 35
We hiked back down the driveway this morning around 11 and went for a drive. We went into Cooper Landing and had lunch at the Sunrise Inn and Cafe. It has been a place we have stopped a few times on our way back or forth from Homer. Before the Sunrise Cafe, we would often stop in at Summit Lake Lodge. Summit Lake Lodge is only usually open part of the year so we can't always stop in there when we wish to.
It was a pretty drive, we even saw a few bald eagles. It was a pretty warm day, sunny and 45 degrees.
Dave came up for dinner tonight. I made enchiladas on Thursday morning that we brought up here, Mom made some cheesy biscuits, and we sat around eating and drinking margaritas. We watched a movie and then Dave decided to head back home.
Dad is pulling down two of the kitchen cabinets, they were not quite up to holding all of the stuff so he bought new ones. The new ones look really nice. Plus I suspect they'll be more stable, and a lot more level.
Its 10 PM and still light outside. :)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Unemployment, Day 34
Well, 3 more people now.
Mom and Dad and I had dinner here with Dave, my folks friend. He helps out with the cabin, especially when they are back in the city. Driveway is still snowed in, so we had to hike from the road up. UP! U P ! Damn, hiking that huge driveway..... sloped, with snow, what a workout. Especially since we had 3 days of food and clothes and stuff.
Pizza and tequilla. Tequilla and pizza.
Ate too much.
It might snow tonight, 34 degrees, very very cloudy.
Not sure what we'll do tomorrow if we get snowed in.
It is nice to be out of the city.
I miss being 'home' though. It is awesome to be around family, but I also with my 'family' was here with me.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Unemployment, Day 33
Got up, did a bunch of grocery shopping for Mom since we need the groceries to head up to the cabin.
Ran across town to get my hair cut. It has been years since I've had someone else cut my hair. She suggested that I just shave my head. She says I'd look sexy. Dunno about that. I worry about the dents in my head.
Then I decided to pop in and visit Aunt Reva, Aunt Lee was there as well so I got to hang out and visit with them for a while. It was good to see Aunt Lee. She and I have a definite bond.
Then I raced back home to change, and then headed downtown to pick my Mom and Grandma Nori up. We all then headed across town to Glacier Brewhouse. Mom reserved a big banquet room, and we all were together for Eric's 40th birthday dinner.
Food was pretty good, creme brulee for dessert! Awesome!
(Their bar was a bit lame, although I didn't get beer.)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Unemployment, Day 32
That was a fantastic movie, with an ending that I didn't expect or see coming. It wasn't really a comedy as such, although it was a dark comedy to an extent. Don't go see it if you expect something hilarious and uplifting. But, I do strongly suggest seeing it, it is indeed excellent.
I made meat-loaf for dinner, Dad actually ate with us. Victory!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Unemployment, Day 31
The rest of the day was spent looking for fun things to put together in a basket for Eric's birthday. (Tomorrow)
Kinda boring I know, but it was good to have a low key day.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Food, frivolity, fun
Took my Dad's gihugic Expedition and put fuel in it, and then went through the car wash. I forget how much of a behemoth that vehicle is, as I'm trying to turn tight corners in order to get the thing aligned so that it falls into the car wash track. Lots of people were at the car wash. I gave myself an hour worth of time to get fuel, get the car washed, and meet up with Gramma Nori at 11 AM.
I made it with zero time to spare. I guess all the road grime and ash and gravel and dirt make everyone in this city want to wash their vehicle too. Can't say as I blame any of them.
Gramma Nori and I walked to the Pioneer Home to have lunch with my Great Aunt Reva. Sunday apparently was visiting day for a great many families. It is good to see that other residents get visitors. Not thrilled by the food, personally, but both Aunt Reva and Gramma Nori said it was good. (Citrus Glazed Pork Loin, Cranberry stuffing, and some odd greenish diced vegetable that I couldn't identify.) It was perhaps me more than anything that didn't get along with the food. I wasn't there for the food though, so that was good.
So, this is a semi-retirement home. People who have lived in Alaska for a long time, contributed, and meet certain other residency requirements can get a unit in the Pioneer Home. Most of the residents are older, 70+ in years. Many of them may not have family or other options of living. It is a care facility that has different levels of care based upon need.
I make these points because one of the 'resident's' kids (35 to 40 years old) decided to perform his 'band' in the dining hall. During dining hours. With us captive audience.
So, did he roll out Perry Como, or Frank Sinatra, or even some Michael Buble? Noooooo.
In a room full of older people who can't hear well, they played :
Kenny Wayne Shepherd- Blue On Black
Seether featuring Amy Lee (From Evanescence) - Broken
Sting's cover of Jimi Hendrix's Little Wing
This was probably not the audience he wanted to roll out for.
He also wasn't particularly good. I realize he's a band trying to make his way. But seriously, have some pride man.
I guess I would have chosen different songs, to be sure.
My cousin Joseph, Reva's Grandson, arrived after lunch as we were visiting with Reva, so we left them to catch up.
Reva has quite the social calendar, and is likely the envy of other residents who don't get visitors that often. (If at all).
Mom and Dad made it home from the cabin, and it was a quiet and lazy Sunday evening.
(We had Carl's Jr for dinner, and I ate way too much. Plus, they were out of diet coke, but luckily they had Diet Dr. Pepper.)
Drew picked me up and we tried to go out to dinner to a nice fancy pants place for dinner. We were much surprised and disappointed to find out that it is apparently prom weekend here in Anchorage. That means that lots of parties are out and celebrating and taking up space. We wound up going to an adjacent restaurant to find something to eat.
It is nice to catch up with Drew. We did have good food and plenty to talk about.
We tried to grab a drink when we made it downtown, near the performing arts center, but just about every bar within walking distance was already packed. It was a nice walk about town though.
The show started on time, and had a 20 minute intermission. It was a good show, and the audience was able to get involved, as well as the cast throwing in some local jabs to make the show have a more Alaskan feel. (Including a jab at the current governor, although my brother said it was an 'homage'.)
Back home, quiet house, tired.
Tomorrow is lunch with Gramma Nori and Aunt Reva at the pioneer home.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Unemployment, Days 26-30
Tuesday Mom went to work, so I was left home alone for the day. It was nice to just be lazy, read a book, play on my computer, and have the cats harass me. Cat hair everywhere. My clothes, my suitcase, my eyes. Its everywhere! I'm doing ok enough, but my allergies are not happy with the cats. C'est la vie.
Wednesday I helped Mom and Dad take the Expedition into the shop. It makes a hissing boiling noise in the HVAC system of the car, it is very loud, definitely noticeable. They still hadn't figured out what was wrong with it, so they kept it overnight.
Thursday the shop determined there was a leak in the rear A/C unit. About $600 to fix / replace. Don't know if they'll bother, A/C isn't really all that necessary in Alaska. It is a 'nice to have' thing. Unless it inhibits the rest of the heating system, not sure if it makes any sense to have it replaced. Dad will figure out what he wants done.
Also spent most of the day with Gramma Nori. She and I went to lunch at a local cafe she really likes. I had soup and half a sandwich. Good soup, great sandwich. (Hard to go wrong with bacon.) Afterwards went to a doctor appointment with her, and then hung out and talked and watched the news before accompanying her to her Condo Associate Meeting.
If you own are a member of a condo association, make sure that you have 'special assessment' insurance.
My grandmother's condo building consists of two towers, one North, and one South. The North tower had a fire 2 years ago, and all the units were lost. The Condo Association was woefully underinsured for the value of the North tower. EACH member of the association, both towers, will have to pay their share of a special assessment to help rebuild the condos that were lost in the fire.
My 80+ year old grandmother has to cough up $70,000 to a condo building, and she already owns her own unit by the way, so that others can have their homes re-built. I understand that is what happens, but wow. She should be thinking about grandchildren and great-grandchildren and fun and leisure. Now she's having to look for a mortgage loan to pay for something she already owns. Yes, the building should have been insured for more, but it wasn't. The meeting went well enough. I feel bad for the people who lost their homes. At least Gramma still has all her possessions and her condo and has had a place to live for the last two years. People in the North tower were not so lucky.
Friday did some running around with Mom and helped her get ready for her and Dad's weekend trip to the cabin.
I'm staying in town so that I can go to Spamalot with Drew on Saturday. I'm all alone in the house. Only the cats and the fish to keep me company.
Looking forward to the weekend. :) I'll have more later, after the show!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter Weekend
Sunday Easter brunch was great. Aunt Reva didn't feel up to coming. Gramma Nori, Eric and Kelli, Drew and Jennifer, myself, and Mom and Dad all sat around the dining room table and ate up a nice feast. We had mimosa and ham and eggs and food galore. (And those killer cinnamon rolls). Pretty awesome to have the family together. My Dad took plenty of pictures, although one of his camera flash settings makes me feel like I'm having a strobe light retinal scan.
Once everyone left, it was a pretty low key evening. Nice to decompress.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Unemployment, Days 24 - 25
Friday Mom and I spent the day shopping around town for Easter supplies and stuff.
Kind of felt under the weather, which wasn't helped by the fact that i took a zyrtec. Boy that stuff makes me feel like crap.
We had dinner at my younger brother's house. (He and his wife Jennifer invited us over). Jennifer cooked a very nice meal of braised spare ribs in her crock pot. It was a nice evening of drinking and conversation. They seem to be settling in nicely to their 'new' house. Jennifer will be leaving for Japan for 5 weeks on Monday so it was nice to see her before she left.
Drew invited me to go with him to see Spamalot, since Jennifer will not be able to go with him, since she'll be out of town. It will be fun to see. I'm looking forward to it.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
(Maybe the 3 Bacardi and Cokes helped?)
Tomorrow (Later today really) Lunch with Grandma and Aunt Reva.
Its weird being in a bed without Travis and Beau.
I feel oddly homesick. Already? Sheesh.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Unemployment, Days 21 - 23
I just don't feel motivated. But then, I always have been kind of slacking when I am left to myself. It would be different if I was traveling with someone else, I'd feel the need to be more responsible. Not the case though.
Tuesday I hung around the house waiting for the cable guy to show up so that he could bring me my new HD cable box with HD DVR. I decided that I was going to make stew in the crock pot for dinner. I had prepped the vegetables the night before, along with the meat, so it makes it pretty quick to assemble once everything is all said and done.
I ended up making a big batch of chocolate chip cookies for the boys. I figured it would be something to leave them for when I was gone. (Even though they likely won't last more than a few days...)
The cable guy was late, he was also fairly new. Good guy. Beau scared him. He spent an enormous amount of time trying to get everything to work. Took him nearly two hours to get a new box up and running, and at no point did he need to run new line either from the pole, or inside the house. I have no idea why it took two hours to get a cable box working. Isn't it all electronic? Aren't these things pre programmed?
I had to also go to a 'Re-Employment Orientation Seminar' for the state. This is to keep my unemployment payments. The class was pretty much a waste of time. There are so many people out of work right now. It amazed me the sheer volume of people. It also didn't help that it was nearly 80 degrees yesterday, in this tiny cramped classroom, with a ton of people and no air conditioning. The UI folks want to make sure that I am doing everything i can to replace my job.
Stew was fabulous. Tate came over for dinner, as he had been helping Derek fix his truck.
We fed him, and gave him cookies too. This is bribery to help him help Derek put my new transmission and transfer case in while I am gone. It will be nice not to be 'popping the clutch' on my automatic transmission! :)
Wednesday (today) was sheer craziness. I just didn't seem to have enough time to get things done. I ran out to do some last minute errands. Everyone seemed nuts. Travis tells me that I always say that, and perhaps the problem is me. Indeed, it probably is me.
I managed to drop a glass mixing bowl while I was fixing dinner. Full of panko and butter, the glass bowl shattered as it hit the side of the stove, then it bounce against the floor, sending shrapnel everywhere, and panko crumbs in my hair, all over the oven, and even on the ceiling. I think I managed to keep the glass out of the macaroni and cheese. We'll find out tomorrow.
Right now, I'm sitting at the airport at my gate. Waiting to board the plane.
Going to Alaska to visit the family for a month.
I miss Travis and Beau already.
Part of me wants the month to go fast. And part of me doesn't.
If you get a chance, go see her. If you can't go see her, watch her on HBO or Comedy Central. Well worth the offensive nature.
(I was not offended at all.)
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Unemployment, Day 20
After further debate, I decided that I wanted the cabinet that we saw at Freds. We went back Thursday night to buy it, and then I took to the task of assembling it and putting it together. Travis played XBox while I had parts spread out all over the kitchen and living room. It was a ton of parts, screws, fasteners, nails, cams, and hidden cam locks. I had boards and pieces all over the living room.
I managed to get the base cabinet all assembled Thursday, but it was past midnight when I decided to call it a day.
Friday morning I finished assembling the drawers. What a pain. I know those things are pretty sturdy though. I did wait until 9 AM to start banging around. You can see the final results in the picture above.
Travis had to help me move the old cabinet and tv out of the way.
The house is still a bit of a cluttered mess, but I hope to get that all cleaned up before we head out Saturday for Lisa Lampanelli.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Unemployment, Day 18 & 19
Thursday morning started with a crashing of the glass recycling. Those dudes sure know how to raise a racket. I don't think they could have made a louder clanking glass noise if there were standing over my head with a bunch of marbles in a punch bowl.
Travis and I got up and headed for Ikea, as well as some errands. I'm looking for a stand for the TV that doesn't look stupid, but also is a tad higher than the dining room table. I would like to have something to set the tv on that doesn't get obscured. On the other hand, it needs to look nice, and be functional. Found what I wanted online, however it is a tad out of my price range, not to mention being more expensive than the tv itself.
Had lunch at the local Chinese place we normally go to. Food wasn't good. Travis really liked his. Derek needed us to get his tool box and bring it down to his shop, since his vehicle is apparently dying. Seems to be an epidemic.
After lunch, we went to the mall, Sears to exchange a broken socket for Derek, Macy's to pick up a new saute pan, then down to the Island to rescue Derek.
Stopped at Hollywood Freds to look at furniture. They have something that I like that will probably work for the tv. I need to think about it though. Trying not to spend money just for the sake of spending money.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Unemployment, Day 17
Derek found a barely used transfer case. The bonus is that it comes with a barely used transmission. So while I am gone, he'll be installing that on my Explorer. Two birds with one stone. Thats pretty cool. He had to drive out of town to get the parts, but I'll make sure it is worth his while. It will be nice to feel more confident about driving around. :)
I don't feel very motivated right now.
Maybe I'll get more done tomorrow.....
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Unemployment, Day 16
I put the oven through a self cleaning cycle since I had plenty of time today, I always worry that the oven will need major cleaning after that incineration. It immediately filled the house up with smoke. I opened up all the doors and brought the tornado fan up from the basement. It got pretty chilly in the house, except for the kitchen, where the oven had this nice bright red glow. 3 hours later, it was done. The oven still needed to cool down some, but after another hour, the door unlocked itself. I wiped down the ashes and cleaned the door up. Wow. Damned thing looks nearly brand new. And we can now see in the window.
Made stew in the crock pot today. Travis thinks I put in too many potatoes, but that means I have breakfast! Fried stewed potato! Mmmm. I think the boys liked the stew a lot, since there was almost none left.
I spent the rest of the day cleaning up little things, I have a few big things to straighten up before I leave next week. I will be flying out on Wednesday night, provided Mt. Redoubt doesn't erupt and disrupt my plans.
Next step, packing!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Unemployment, Day 15
I mostly just played XBox games and flipped through tv. Travis had to go to a school appointment.
We went to dinner at El Tapetio, which is very close to the house, a local Mexican chain. They apparently charge for refills on their bowls of chips, as well as now charging for refills on glasses of soda. Now, I realize that the economy is shaky, and that some eateries are probably struggling to survive. But, really? Charging me $1.95 for a glass of soda is already very heavily marked up. I just spent 26 bucks on dinner for the two of us. It would have bankrupted you to give me a refill on that soda?
It wouldn't bother me had it been their policy, but they had given refills free before. Same with the chips. So it apparently is an arbitrary policy. Was this a small way to attempt raising the rest of their prices? Come on. I'd rather you raised your prices a little bit rather than lamely apply a policy. Also, I'm pretty sure if I went to another outlet of the chain that I wouldn't pay for the refills. Time to fall back to other places to eat.
Back at home we watched some tv, and played some more XBox.
I guess I am in recovery mode from vacation. :)
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Unemployment, Day 13 & 14
Travis and I spent a lazy morning in the hotel, even though I still have to take Beau out to pee constantly.
(He seems to think he needs out all the time....)
We had brunch at Pig'N'Pancake, which is kind of a tradition for us when we are on vacation.
They were playing this odd assortment of homogenized music, muzak version of Abba, odd Miller Sisters style covers of The Mamas and the Papas. Surreal to say the least. The food was decent.
Since we were trying to save wear and tear on the vehicle, we kept our touristing down to a low key level today. We made it to the Yaquina Bay light house, which wasn't far at all from our hotel. The light house was only in use for 3 years, and was replaced with the Yaquina Head light house, which we saw on Tuesday. The lens housing and light apparatus were built into the top of what looked to be a normal house. It is the oldest building in Newport. It wasn't very practical to the ships in the water because the light couldn't be easily seen around the coastline. Pretty cool though, still.
We skipped lunch, Travis ate some cheese and meat we brought with us, while I did crossword puzzles out of the paper and the Wonderword, and Jumble. We headed out for dinner. Originally we hoped to go to the original Mo's, however they were packed, not very big, and we didn't feel like waiting. We walked over to the Rogue Public House, home of Rogue Brewery. Travis got a beer, but it was a tad too bitter for him. Dinner was good, although not as good as our other experiences out in Newport. The service wasn't that great, but passable.
We finished off the evening by filling the spa tub in our hotel living room and lunging about in the scalding water for an hour or so.
This morning, we finished packing everything up, and hit the road. We were on our way by 7 AM. I managed to figure out how to trick the transfer case to staying locked in. (Without too many incriminating details, I'll probably need new brakes too...). We only had one single incident of the horrible grinding. It was actually a beautiful drive, crisp, cold, foggy in spots, the sun shone across the valley. We made good time, and stopped in Salem at Shari's (like Denny's but better food).
We finally made it home, and unpacked the truck. I'll probably take a few days to finish all the unpacking, but it feels good to be home again. Been sitting around vegetating the rest of the morning and afternoon. Lazy evening planned.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Unemployment, Day 12
We drove up to the Yaquina Head lighthouse. It was pretty windy up there, but we walked around the National Park area, and then went inside to see if we could walk up to the top of the light house. There was a caretaker on duty, and quite a line of people waiting. We did decide to get in queue, and wait to go up top. Travis was right in front of two women who seemed to yammer on and on and on. I luckily was out of earshot. It was quite a trek up to the top of the tower. The light house is still used and is still in working order. They have long since converted the lard / kerosene wick burning flame with 1000 watt light bulb. 1000 watts. Two bulbs. Only one is used, the second is a backup. Should one burn out, they both get replaced. It was pretty cool to see it up close. Amazing.
Lunch was at a quite unremarkable 'Diner', greasy spoon. Wow. Food was ok, service was lousy, and the place was..... not up to the usual par of my dining tastes. I spotted it at the last minute, and picked it because it was along our route back to the hotel. Probably the only reason the place stays in business is because it is along highway 101. If someone had to drive any distance to go there, I'm not sure that they would. So unremarkable, I can't remember the name.
Took the truck in to AAMCO. The good news is that my transmission is fine. The bad news is that my transfer case is bad. Cheaper fix, but just as devastating if we have a failure. No transfer case = no go nowhere. Travis keeps reminding me that we can get towed once we get into the magic 100 mile zone of his AAA coverage. I don't relish having to have a tow though. Something stubborn in me wants to make it. The guys as AAMCO did say that they didn't think I was going to do any real damage that wasn't already done by driving it back to Portland. The malady is common enough that parts are common, and he is actually out of stock. Everyone in the near vicinity is out of stock as well. He could get the parts, but it would take him a few days to a few weeks. I can't afford to stick around in Newport for 2 more weeks, as attractive an option as that might be. :)
Dinner was at Georgie's, which is attached to our hotel. At the Hallmark Inn - Canon Beach, the affiliated eater was Dooger's, and I wasn't all that impressed by them. Georgie's was pretty impressive. Great view, good service, and excellent food. The food was lacking a bit of spice, they seemed to miss that garlic should be used in many applications. I'd give it an 8 out of 10.
Travis drank wine and I drank some sparkling wine while we watched Pulp Fiction on his laptop, which he'd never seen.
Hope that it isn't raining all Wednesday!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Unemployment, Day 11
The transmission started acting up a big on one of the big hills, so I guess that is karma for me buying a big expensive TV set. I'll take it in to a local AAMCO transmission service to see if they can at least patch it enough for the trip back to Portland. I don't relish a tow back.
It is nice to be on vacation though. Out of the house, out of the city, and completely unknown in a little town.
I do have to take the dog out on a leash constantly. At least I have nice baby powder scented dog crap baggies. Woohoo!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Unemployment, Day 10
Everyone was really excited to see me, and I spent over an hour being bandied about while people hugged me and took pictures with me, and some people decided that touching my beard was ok, since it just looked too irresistible. My former boss tried to hold my check hostage in lieu of a question about my job. Hah. I don't work for you anymore! Nice try!
Went to WaMu to deposit my check, which of course got scrutinized because of the amount. Had to have a supervisor approve the check, even though the only thing I was doing was having it deposited into my account, I wasn't taking any cash proceeds from it, nor was I cashing out anything else. Go figure.
I was able to pay off two of my three student loans with the net portion of my bonus, and I even had a little bit left over. Which was good. Because I planned on making a purchase with it, which I did.
I applied for a few jobs online at Regence / Blue Cross / Blue Shield, and then applied for my weeks worth of Unemployment.
Travis and I met Mom and Dad at PDX (Airport) for their 5 hour layover, they are returning to Alaska after a few weeks vacation in Palm Springs. I had offered to meet them at Stanford's in the airport, but they wanted to get out of the airport, and kill some time. We ended up going to Gustav's for dinner, since it wasn't that far away from the airport, and I know they have good food.
(And it has a full bar, which my mother demanded) Dinner was sooooooo good. Couple of Midori Sours, cheese and sausage fondue, nice chicken schnitzel. This makes for a happy bear. Travis ordered corned beef and cabbage, since I won't really make it at home since he's the only one who would eat it. My mother got a nice turkey dinner, and dad got a pot pie, topped with mashed potato. (Really more like shepherds pie, and it looks puny in comparison to our meals although I don't think it was since Dad couldn't finish all of it.)
Took them back to the airport so that they could catch their flight, and then Travis and I met Derek and his friend at Freds, where I bought myself a 46 inch LCD HDTV. (Samsung for those at home following along). Derek was nice enough to take the TV home for me.
I had been debating a new TV purchase for some time after the last TV decided it was going to fritz out and explode. I need a new DVD player with upconverter and I'll invest in a combo DVD and surround sound system. That will wait a week or so, I think. Right now the TV, which is actually compact compared to a tube tv, is sitting on our dining table. The only thing hooked up to it is the XBox360. The picture is just amazing. I'm sure I'll be wasting even more time on it now!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Unemployment, Day 9
Then we made our way to lovely NW Portland to a wine shop that features cheeses. (Steve's Cheese Shop). Got some awesome cheese. Then we made our way to Zupan's and did some more cheese and wine shopping. All in all a pretty good haul.
Derek is having company for the next few days, so Travis and I opted to go out on our own for supper. We agreed on Olive Garden. Don't go there a lot, but they have decent food, and its affordable for an out of work guy like me. Plus, they have unlimited soup and salad. Wow you can fill up on that. As usual, we had a mishap that caused us to repeatedly get skipped over for a table. I tried my best to let the seething hatred and anger that was searing through my soul remain below the surface so as to not cause a huge scene. The wait staff did apologize for the hostess forgetting about it. The service was actually quite fantastic once we got a seat at the table. Food was good too. At the conclusion of the meal, the house manager came to the table to talk to us. The interact was remarkable in the fact that she apologized profusely to us, and said that the staff had just made her aware of the problem. When I suggested that sometimes technology (those stupid pager devices) fails, she said quite plainly that this wasn't technology, and that it was her people who had failed. We told her that we had had exceptional service and that they had done a good job at making us feel better. She told us that she had a gift for us and that we should meet her at the door on our way out. Then another of the waitstaff offered us some wine (after we'd finished our meals). After I had commented that I don't drink reds, he served Travis and I a nice glass of Riesling, one that I actually drink, and cook with. Since we were lollygagging around now, and finishing up our glasses of wine, Lisa (the manager) came back to our table and presented us with a $40 gift certificate. So, for all the aggravation, we have a free meal for us next time we want to go. I don't know if a lot of managers would have gone that far, but she did make us feel a lot better about our experience. Bribes work, we'll go back again.
Unemployment, Day 8
Did some more house cleaning up, and it was very sunny and nice outside, it was nearly 60. Spent 2 hours detailing the inside of my SUV. I will eventually take it to the car wash. Windex, upholstery cleaner, lemon verbena Mrs. Meyer cleaning agent, and febreeze. It smells like a schizophrenic orchard of some form.
Beau's doggie ramp showed up today as well, so we were making him walk up and down in a few times. He's not very sure of the ramp yet, but it beats me trying to have to pick him up to put him in the back. That was going to hurt one or both of us in the long run, I'm just not meant to sling 90 lbs of dog around.
We leave for Newport on Monday morning.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Unemployment, Day 7
Dinner and tv, and a quiet night. I feel oddly fatigued today, it may be that I'm just catching up with things.
I have a list of things to get done tomorrow, so I'll likely hit the ground running.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Unemployment, Day 6
Then, flipping channels, we landed on the Comedy Central Roast of Larry the Cable Guy. That was pretty damned funny. Hosted by Lisa Lampanelli, who Travis and I have tickets to see next month, it was pretty gut busting.
So, this morning came far too early. I actually slept in until about 10 AM. I think that is some kind of record for me.
Puttered around the house some, did some cleaning, organized a few things. Called the office payroll to tell them that they paid me wrong, and they said they will fix it by the next time I get paid. I get to pick up my bonus check on Friday.
I'm a little nervous about that, going back to the scene of the crime, as it were. I miss some of the people, I don't miss others. I'm still kind of angry at the whole lay-off business. It will be good to see the people though.
Friday evening is also dinner with the folks. I'm very much looking forward to that.
I have plans every day this week, really. Most of it revolves around getting ready for Travis and my trip to Newport for next week.
Beau gets to go with us. :)
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Unemployment, Day 5
DIdn't do much of anything today, slept in, a bit, watched the dog be crazy in the yard, etc.
It was kind of sunny, but also a tad windy, which makes it feel nearly cold.
Ken came over today for a brief visit, he brought his newest dog with him. Cute dog, mutant though. Willy. (Or Willie?)
Last time the dog was in the house, he peed on the couch. He's not really allowed inside anymore.
I met up with some of my former colleagues at a bar at the end of my street. They got off work, and hung out for a few drinks. I had probably more than I needed, so I was definitely feeling little pain. I love happy hour. Plus they have pretty good onion rings.
Everyone else seems to be waiting anxiously and nervously for the ax to fall again. Appears to be much sooner for the rest of them than previously thought. It is too bad, I feel sorry for them.
In a way I feel lucky and liberated to be able to be free of that place.
Travis picked me up from the bar, and we went home. He and Derek then went and got Carls Jr for dinner. I love / hate that place. I know it is bad for me, health wise, but damn it is good food.
The remainder of the night I spent playing on the Xbox.
Now the weekend begins.
Next week will be getting ready for a trip to Newport over spring break.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I smell a rat!
Growing up in Alaska, I've never ever in my whole life seen rats.
When I finally saw one, I nearly crapped my pants. Jeez! They are HUGE. As big as cats.
And mean looking, with the long tails and the red eyes. Creepeh!
A few years ago one of them ran in to me as I was opening the garage door. It actually ran away from me as I opened the garage door, it was avoiding my siren wail of my girlie man screaming. I am pretty sure everyone on the block heard me.
Derek said he'd put some poison down to kill it. I chided him. Poison is a bad idea for a few reasons:
A> If the rat eats it and dies, but crawls somewhere the dog can get at, my dog is indeed dumb enough to eat a dead rat. Then I'd have a sick dog, and a nasty dead rat, or remnants thereof.
B> If the rat avoids the poison, the dog might get into it. Then I'd still have a rat, and a sick dog.
C> If the rat eats the poison, but then pulls an Agatha Christie novel plot, it'll crawl just far enough to fall into something of value, and rot, and stink. And then we'll have a dead rat, and a nasty smell, and probably maggots. That is, provided that we could find where it crawled to.
I went and bough those 'glue traps'. We put them down in the garage.
A few days later, that damned thing had drug the trap from one end of the garage to another, after having been stuck to it, and then smeared sawdust all over it, and eventually extricated himself. Derek declared that we had in our garage a 'bionic' rat.
I then re-iterated my disapproval of the poison and opted for traps.
He told me that *I* would have to throw the traps away, rat and all.
Ok, poison it is.
That was 2 years ago, and Derek said the rat was gone for good, he moved on.
Fast forward to a month ago. Another rat moved into the neighborhood! The damned stray and feral cats are not doing a very good job. They are slacking. Derek puts some poison down.
Today, Derek was out in the garage smoking, and cleaning up his things. The garage is pretty much his domain. Travis and I keep clear of it for the most part. Something rotten was in the garage.
It was a rat. The rat. Big ugly nasty rat. Decomposing rat. Poisoned former rat. It had crawled up on the car seat he'd pulled out of his truck. (He put in a racing seat). He had planned to keep the seat to swap it back should he ever sell the car.
I tried not to be overly smug. But it does seem that the rat taught him a lesson. Oozy nasty dead rat guts all over his car seat.
I guess I'll pick up some snap traps tomorrow.
Unemployment, Day 4
Travis slept in today. I finally roused him from his slumber by whining. I'm good at whining.
We went to grab lunch at Chevy's. They seated us in 'the bar' area. I must remind myself next time, NO SITTING IN THE BAR. Even though Oregon now has no smoking, we had lousy service. This was made worse by the fact that a bunch of big tittied dumb harpy shrill women sat at a table right next to ours, and the bartender made a bee-line for them. Boy did he end up being sorry. 'I want that entree, but we want to split it, but I don't want the lettuce served with it. I know it is what you serve them in, but I just don't want the lettuce'. Jeezus, lady, ignore the lettuce. No one is going to make you eat it. And you are not going to get a discount from having the kitchen leave behind a few pieces of rabbit food. The food didn't seem to agree with me. Oh well, it was edible. I think we'll stick with El Tapatio.
Then we headed to Best Buy. I'm pretty proud of myself, I didn't buy anything from them. Not from my lack of trying, but I just can't decide about my tv. The stock price is creeping up, so I'm hoping it'll reach my sell order. Then, I'm good to go! Travis bought some odd in the ear style headphones. He was very disappointed in them. They were cheap, and apparently for a reason. I can't handle things in my ears like that. (Odd, because I can wear ear plugs without being freaked out... go figure.)
Next was WaMu, which is soon to be Chase. After that, Travis went to get his oil changed, and I played XBox for a while.
Bastards at RockStar games delayed the expansion pack for MidnightClub LA, so I have to wait another week. I played Fable II until Trav got back.
Dinner was steak (out of the freezer), salad (from a bag), and baked potato. I got the skins extra crispy on the taters, but the insides were nice and tender. I didn't even ruin the steak on the BBQ! I'm not very good at grilling, it is just one of the genes I seem to be lacking.
Now I am in food coma, and with a belly ache. It was sooooo good though.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Unemployment, Day 3
The bastard had to dilate my eyes. Egads I had that. So I tried to go shopping after that, but all I did was freak people into thinking that I was some stoned hippy pot dude who had the munchies. I came home and sat in the dark and listened to the radio for the afternoon until my eyesight was less sensitive to the light.
Dinner was cardboard pizza, and after dinner Travis and I ran down to Freds. I wanted ice cream and to check to see if they had one of the XBox games I'm looking for. All to no avail.
I'm eating the ice cream still.
Probably be an early night, I want to get up early and listen to the new FM version of the Rick Emerson show, one of my long time faves.
Unemployment, Day 2
Jon came over for lunch today, it was nice to have some social contact outside the house. I need to stay social, I think, for fear I might end up being a hermit. Lunch was good, made club sandwiches. Boars Head makes some of the best lunch meat... Salsa Turkey. After lunch we hung out, talked about music, avoided talking about my job, or lack thereof. He eventually needed to go home and take care of his dog.
Made some soup in the crock pot for dinner, used some meatballs in the freezer as the 'meat' for them. Kind of an ad-hoc meatball soup. I think it came out pretty good.
Played some XBox games. Going to suffer withdrawal once I am in Alaska, methinks.
Bought my plane ticket for Alaska.
Next big event, spring break in Newport with Travis. I'm looking forward to that.
Monday, March 09, 2009
Unemployment, Day 1
Bought new computer speakers today, my old Harmon Kardon sound sticks stopped working in the right channel. I thought I was going deaf, turns out something is wrong with the speakers. Phew! The new Logitech THX speakers are pretty sweet. I'm going to have to hide the power cord when I leave though, or else I think Derek will attempt to annoy the neighbors with it.
Had to clean out under my desk to move the wires and cables for the new speakers. I apparently disturbed a nest of spiders, little tiny baby ones. I had a mini panic attack over it, and luckily Derek was nice enough to nuke them with some spider kill spray.
Driving back tonight, though, I thought that I needed to get home and get my stuff ready for work tomorrow.
Wow, what a habit. I'm programmed.
Watched Heroes on the couch with Travis, who was mostly fretting over his computer.
Not sure I like the new direction of the show, time will tell.
More tomorrow, if anything becomes of note.
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics
(At least I didn't say 'literally'.)
Friday March 6 was my last day of work, the company has decided to 'eliminate my position'.
While I would never say anything bad (since that would jeopardize my severance package), I find it amusing to say the least that the company felt 'I didn't have enough work to keep me busy'.
No one ever came to find out what I was working on, nor what I was doing, so it does make me wonder how they arrived at this logic.
I am a wash of emotions.
I was actually pretty good with things, even through Friday afternoon when I got hauled into a conference room and everyone was saying how good a job I had done, and how much they respected me, and so on. I guess I need to remind myself that they were doing that more for them, than for me. It was like attending my own funeral, in a way. It is a way for the remaining people to grieve and to heal.
I'm pretty angry though. I do plan to make my anger productive.
I'm not bitter, and I'm not wallowing, but I confess to feeling a depression. Or maybe I'm suffering withdrawal. I had the habit of going into the office each day. Maybe I need a patch, or some gum.
I know that I have a very marketable skill, having been certified and licensed in Oregon as a Pharm Tech, it will be a pay cut, to be sure, but that doesn't really worry me. I worked for much less when I moved from Alaska.
It is hard to think that I don't have to get up for work tomorrow.
I have managed to create things to do all week, so I'll have to leave the house pretty much every day.
Longer term, Travis and I are still going to go on our spring break vacation. I should probably be a little more responsible, but this may be the last vacation he and I get to go on together for some time.
I have to sell all of my stock in the near future, or I lose the options, no longer being an employee. I'll probably use that money to buy a new tv, just because I want a tangible physical reminder of positivity. (And because my old tv is..... not so good.)
I'm going to go to Alaska for most of April, coming back in early May. That will give me family time. I wish Travis could come with me, but school comes first. I'll leave Beau with Travis and Derek, since I think he's probably better off without having to worry about being kenneled, or eaten by bears. It will be weird to be alone for that month. But in a way, it might be a good thing. It will hopefully make me appreciate better those that I have left behind.
Since I will likely have wealth of free time on my hands, I will try to be more pro active in creating posts. It is a habit I got out of.
More later..... :)