Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Unemployment, Day 11

Spring break! Travis and I drove down to Newport, and are staying until Thursday. We have packed up the car with lots of crackers, cheeses, wines, candy, cookies, junk, and the dog. The truck was PACKED full. The weather on the drive down has been windy, and wet, and at times downpouring. The hotel we are staying at isn't as nice as the one in Canon Beach, but this time we are traveling with the dog, so that may be part of the difference. We have a ground floor unit which the patio door opens directly on the the bluffs of the beach. The bad news is that the little brat children upstairs are practicing their dance routines constantly.

The transmission started acting up a big on one of the big hills, so I guess that is karma for me buying a big expensive TV set. I'll take it in to a local AAMCO transmission service to see if they can at least patch it enough for the trip back to Portland. I don't relish a tow back.

It is nice to be on vacation though. Out of the house, out of the city, and completely unknown in a little town.

I do have to take the dog out on a leash constantly. At least I have nice baby powder scented dog crap baggies. Woohoo!

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