Thursday, March 26, 2009

Unemployment, Day 13 & 14

Wednesday was a low key day. It was off an on nice and rainy, sunny, windy, nice, and rainy. Repeat.
Travis and I spent a lazy morning in the hotel, even though I still have to take Beau out to pee constantly.
(He seems to think he needs out all the time....)

We had brunch at Pig'N'Pancake, which is kind of a tradition for us when we are on vacation.
They were playing this odd assortment of homogenized music, muzak version of Abba, odd Miller Sisters style covers of The Mamas and the Papas. Surreal to say the least. The food was decent.

Since we were trying to save wear and tear on the vehicle, we kept our touristing down to a low key level today. We made it to the Yaquina Bay light house, which wasn't far at all from our hotel. The light house was only in use for 3 years, and was replaced with the Yaquina Head light house, which we saw on Tuesday. The lens housing and light apparatus were built into the top of what looked to be a normal house. It is the oldest building in Newport. It wasn't very practical to the ships in the water because the light couldn't be easily seen around the coastline. Pretty cool though, still.

We skipped lunch, Travis ate some cheese and meat we brought with us, while I did crossword puzzles out of the paper and the Wonderword, and Jumble. We headed out for dinner. Originally we hoped to go to the original Mo's, however they were packed, not very big, and we didn't feel like waiting. We walked over to the Rogue Public House, home of Rogue Brewery. Travis got a beer, but it was a tad too bitter for him. Dinner was good, although not as good as our other experiences out in Newport. The service wasn't that great, but passable.

We finished off the evening by filling the spa tub in our hotel living room and lunging about in the scalding water for an hour or so.

This morning, we finished packing everything up, and hit the road. We were on our way by 7 AM. I managed to figure out how to trick the transfer case to staying locked in. (Without too many incriminating details, I'll probably need new brakes too...). We only had one single incident of the horrible grinding. It was actually a beautiful drive, crisp, cold, foggy in spots, the sun shone across the valley. We made good time, and stopped in Salem at Shari's (like Denny's but better food).

We finally made it home, and unpacked the truck. I'll probably take a few days to finish all the unpacking, but it feels good to be home again. Been sitting around vegetating the rest of the morning and afternoon. Lazy evening planned.

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