Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Unemployment, Day 16

Got up with Travis this morning, he needs a new alarm clock I think. His acts weird, doesn't go off, or it is too easy for him to snooze so he's sleeping through the alarm to begin with.

I put the oven through a self cleaning cycle since I had plenty of time today, I always worry that the oven will need major cleaning after that incineration. It immediately filled the house up with smoke. I opened up all the doors and brought the tornado fan up from the basement. It got pretty chilly in the house, except for the kitchen, where the oven had this nice bright red glow. 3 hours later, it was done. The oven still needed to cool down some, but after another hour, the door unlocked itself. I wiped down the ashes and cleaned the door up. Wow. Damned thing looks nearly brand new. And we can now see in the window.

Made stew in the crock pot today. Travis thinks I put in too many potatoes, but that means I have breakfast! Fried stewed potato! Mmmm. I think the boys liked the stew a lot, since there was almost none left.

I spent the rest of the day cleaning up little things, I have a few big things to straighten up before I leave next week. I will be flying out on Wednesday night, provided Mt. Redoubt doesn't erupt and disrupt my plans.

Next step, packing!

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