Thursday, April 23, 2009

Unemployment, Day 34

Packed everything up and headed to the cabin. Sunrise , Alaska. Population.... 10?

Well, 3 more people now.

Mom and Dad and I had dinner here with Dave, my folks friend. He helps out with the cabin, especially when they are back in the city. Driveway is still snowed in, so we had to hike from the road up. UP! U P ! Damn, hiking that huge driveway..... sloped, with snow, what a workout. Especially since we had 3 days of food and clothes and stuff.

Pizza and tequilla. Tequilla and pizza.

Ate too much.

It might snow tonight, 34 degrees, very very cloudy.
Not sure what we'll do tomorrow if we get snowed in.

It is nice to be out of the city.

I miss being 'home' though. It is awesome to be around family, but I also with my 'family' was here with me.

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