Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Unemployment, Day 37

Lazy day in the morning. Got up, played my game for a while, caught up on some podcasts.

Travis and I (and Derek too) talked over skype.

Went shopping with Mom after work, bought supplies and groceries to make Sunday family dinner.
(My lasagna, caesar salads, garlic bread)

Watching tv with Mom for the rest of the evening.
I'm not keen on the overly dramatized 'reality' shows.

Read through the documents provided from Gramma Nori's condo association. Nothing new there, but it is now written down. It will be interesting to see the resolution. I feel bad for the poor people in the North building that haven't had homes in 2 years.

Found German Chocolate Cake ice cream. Wow. That was the last thing I needed to discover.


Anonymous said...

So how was the ice cream?

Jas said...

Soooooooo good.