Monday, May 04, 2009

Air Puerto

Sitting in the airport is certainly one of life's little annoyances, especially when you are all by yourself. At least I have my spiffy laptop. The laptop itself seems to think that it could stay happy here for well over five hours without a charge. I would challenge that assertion. I know that I don't have to sit in the airport for five hours. It is 11:36 PM, and the plane should board in about 50 minutes.

I'm sitting in about the middle of the plane, so I'll have to wait a bit before I even get on at all.

Life goes on.

I feel a large volume of bacardi will be needed to survive the plane ride. Hopefully at least I will sleep.

It has been a fun few weeks in Anchorage. It was pretty awesome to connect and hang out with relatives.
I felt like I ate my way across the state. What can you do?

I'll be coming back to Anchorage in June for 3 weeks. I'll be helping to plan things for my Dads birthday and other fun events.

Now, I think I'll pull up the Sudoku on the free wi-fi provided form the Ted Stevens International Airport.

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