Monday, May 11, 2009

Unemployment, Day 46

Derek's friend is visiting for the week, so i did some housecleaning this morning just to make sure that everything was in good shape to have a visitor.

I made tacos for dinner, nothing special, but actually quite tasty. (And I hate that ()#*#)* word.

Travis and I then went to see the new Star Trek movie. Don't worry, I won't give away any spoilers, but I was not as happy with the movie as Travis was.

Travis said that he really got into the movie and that he really liked it.

I was a bit more critical of the movie. I am displeased with one of the major plot devices that they used. I understand why the writers did it, but it just seemed like a lazy way to write a plot and assure the future of the 'rebooted' franchise.

I guess that I should be happy that there will be more movies. It is obvious that there will be at least another one.

Got home late, after midnight. Haven't done that in quite a while either.

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