Friday, May 09, 2008

Cell Musing: Hard to discern

Cell Musing: Hard to discern between crazy muttering homeless people & blue-tooth using cell phone addicts who walk alone.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, my job was easy once :P The people that talk to themselves are crazy...the ones who do not are more likely to be fine.

You don't know how many times I've heard someone talking, turned around because I thought they were talking to me and got the icy cold death stare of a person acting as if I invaded some privacy bubble that they believe exists.

Jas said...

It goes back to the old adage:

When we talk to God, we're praying
When God talks to us, we're crazy

Since you can no longer see the cord, and in many cases you can barely even see the headset, people walking down the street muttering to themselves could be 'normal'. Plus, if they are one of those 'hands talkers' and very animated in their interaction, they might look even more crazy than usual.

The line gets more and more blurred.

So hard to tell crazy from sane.