Sunday, May 18, 2008

Balmy St. Louis

I made it to St. Louis without too many problems.
I had opted to ship all of my belongings to my friends well in advance of my trip, since United Airlines had decided to change my flights, and left me with a layover of less than 30 minutes at the Denver Airport.

I wish to go on record as saying that I really dislike the layout of the Denver airport. It isn't very helpful when you have to go, say, 60 gates in less than 30 minuts. It is a real pain in the ass to have to run all the way when you are toting your laptop bag and your backpack at the same time. Yeah, I know, I shouldn't whine about having to travel, what with people that can't even afford to do that.

Flight from Portland to Denver..... what exactly is your definition of hell?

How about loathing children, and having a window seat, and then being seated next to a 5 and 7 year old. Whee. Luckily I was moved to an exit row so that I didn't have to deal with them, otherwise they might have needed an air marshall.... (just kidding....)

Went out to dinner with Travis and his parents last night. That seemed to go pretty well. It is obvious that they are decent, good, and kind people. We talked plenty about lots of things, nothing specifically odd, just normal interaction.

Tonight was group dinner / goodbye night. I cooked, and we had people over. All in all, a pretty low key night.

Tomorrow will be spent packing up the truck, shipping anything else out.

Hitting the road early (5 am) for South Dakota.

More later.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You and Travis have a safe journey, but fun too! Will expect pictures when you get home.