Wednesday, March 19, 2008

OCD Flashlight

Warning! The link above has an icky picture on it, don't click if you are grossed out easily.

My dog has recently taken to licking and chewing at a part of his front left leg. He's been in such good health recently, considering all the things he suffered from in the past, that I gave him a little leeway in his healing time.

Unfortunately, he didn't heal timely, nor properly.

Upon taking him to the vet, the vet tells me he has a lick granuloma, likely caused by an OCD reaction with an associated endorphin rush. He told me I'd have to but an e-collar on my dog and give him antibiotics.

So, my dog is now a big flashlight-head, knocking things over, tripping, falling, looking generally pathetic. He has been smacking me in the face whenever he can, and doesn't understand that he can not currently squeeze between my legs anymore without causing me some crotch trauma.

Funny enough, they theorize that my dog gets an endorphin rush from licking himself into a bloody sore, much like kids who cut.


I thought my vet might perhaps be smoking too much of something herbal, but wikipedia reports the same thing.
(And we *all* know, if it is on wikipedia, it MUST be true!)

So, for a few more days, my crazy ocd endorphin addicted dog will be smashing in to things around the house.

It sure is a good thing he is so cute.


Eric said...

Holy cow. Poor Beau.

And poor You too!

Eric said...

and can i link this story on my blog? it's fascinating!