Sunday, March 23, 2008

Cart before a horse...

Travis and I were shopping in the local grocery store while he was here. We were wandering up and down the aisles to look for some spa salts, since we had planned at some point to be heading in to a hot tub / spa.

Having picked up a red hand basket, we were gathering food items and some other necessary supplies for traveling out of town. We finally happened upon the skin care aisle, where we began comparing items for purchase.

This was a Tuesday morning, and for some reason the store was a flurry of activity. Who knew Tuesday mornings would be so busy?

We kept having to dodge people moving up and down the aisle around us, and as we were intent on selecting the best items, we did spend a fair bit of time browsing.

As we were standing on one side of the aisle, obviously looking at the other side of the aisle, pawing through items on the shelves, a cranky old lady came barreling down the aisle with her shopping cart jutting out in front of her. She stopped exactly in front of where Travis and I stood. We could no longer reach across to put the items in hand back onto the shelf. She stood there, hunched over her cart, wheezing and yammering on to another old lady with a shopping cart, nearly behind her on the same aisle. They stood there for a few minutes bickering back and forth, and I tried to be patient as they went back and forth.
She left her cart parked where it was, right in front of me, and started to wander off to chat with the lady behind her, debating between which type of ointment they needed.

Finally, I couldn't handle the fact that they charged up in front of us rudely, and just ignored the fact that I was trying to get back to the spa salts! This was a dire emergency. I did what any reasonable person in my position would have done...

So what do you think I did?

I very loudly announce 'excuse me!', and then I proceeded to pull her cart away from her, in the opposite direction, down the aisle so that I could reach the shelf in front of me.

The old hag shot me a death look, snarled some, and with a horrified twist to her mouth, stomped down the aisle, retrieved her cart, and huffed off to another aisle, likely mumbling at how rude I was.

Travis was taken a tad by surprise, not expecting me to have done such a bold thing to some little old lady, but not entirely shocked at my behavior.

Our trip to the coast was nice. The hotel was fabulous. And the spa salts were really worth it. More details on the hotel in a later post.

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