Friday, January 01, 2010

2009 - The Year of Partly Sucky

I look back on you 2009, and you were partly sucky, with scattered periods of suck.

Laid off in March. Sucktastic.

Spent lots of family time in Alaska. Repeatedly. It was good, since we managed to surprise my Dad for his 60th birthday.

Still struggling to find a job. More sucktastic.

Had Christmas company. That was fun. But stressful. Stressfully fun?

Had new visitors post Christmas, was fun, but snowy. Non sucktastic. In fact, it was nice to be able to interact with other adult couples. Travis and I don't get too much of that.

Christmas was nice. I got a new toaster, so I can finally put that )*#)@#&@ Cuisinart piece of crap that I spent too much money on out of my own misery. Mad the best cheese sauce for my potatoes. Ever.

Spent the night just being low key for New Years. James Bond movie, Champagne, latkes, and watching Dick Clark lose his countdown. Poor guy.

Ended 2009 with all of the same family I had when 2009 started. +1.
Baby J is now with us. I'm now Big J. That is pretty cool, though I didn't have anything to do with it.

Thinks for 2010:

Finding a job or moving back to Alaska.
Getting back into school.
Keeping the dog healthy.
Keeping myself healthy.
Losing some weight.
Doing a better job at being in a relationship.
Keeping the house cleaner.
Swearing less.
Cooking slightly healthier. (I said SLIGHTLY)
Thinking about shaving my head and face and beard all off. (Thinking...thinking...thinking...)
Reading more.
Blogging more.

To all of you, may 2010 have all the blessings of 2009, plus a little more for good measure.


1 comment:

Jon said...

It's nice to see you posting again. It sounds like the holidays were good for you and Travis. All of your goals for 2010 are doable and it sounds like you have a healthy perspective and the drive to achieve them. Best wishes to you and Travis for the new year!